What Is Wargaming

There seem to be almost as many definitions of wargaming as there are wargamer, but the key elements are that it is seen to be an adversarial activity (which can include solo play), where players have to make decisions in response to an evolving situation, and live and work with the results of those decisions for the rest of the game, and that there is a degree of abstraction in the representation (i.e. people aren't using real kit or doing whole detailed tasks). Stated like this wargaming, often in the guise of "tabletop exercises" is applicable across almost the whole of the public and private sector, not just within the military. My main interest is in "manual" wargames - those which are played on a table top with physical components - not on on computers - and which help to create a tactile and social experience. The resources section below links to a number of general information sources on wargaming.


That said, there is a lot of interest at the moment about how AI can be applied to wargaming - and to manual wargames as well as digital ones. I have done a number of projects in this area, both in terms of mapping out the roles of AI in wargaming, and in developing systems that use AI in order to generate a synthetic information wrap around a wargame so as to help immerse players in the the social media environment that their actions would be generating in the real world. I have also been doing some work around using ChatGPT (and other LLMs) to run matrix style wargames (essentially structured discussions/arguments), and to provide in-game advisors on both the rules of the wargame and on the tactics of the opposition. Some of my published work in this area include:

  • Synthetic Information Wraps - my IT2EC 2022 paper on our work for UK MOD on the External link opens in new tab or windowASMSW and AI4II projects. I'm also presenting a paper at IT2EC 2025 on the latest phase of this work with the POBL project.
  • My chapter on Wargaming and Just War Theory in a new book on Just War Theory and Artificial Intelligence presents some of my thoughts on the role of AI within wargaming. Due early 2025.
  • A white paper on the Military Uses of Conversational AI, due in early 2025.
  • I'm documenting my Matrix game work and other wargaming related AI projects on my Substack at External link opens in new tab or windowhttps://substack.com/@urbanwargamer/posts.


I have always had an interest in using virtual space for wargaming - not computerising the game, but using the social place as somewhere to play a manual game remotely, but with more immersion than afforded by something like Tabletop Simulator. I've developed a number of spaces in VR over the years, but recent advanced in Mixed Reality (MR) are finally making the whole thing do'able for minimal cost, and delivering a very "real" experience. I'm documenting my work over on External link opens in new tab or windowSubstack, and the latest post on progress to date is entitled External link opens in new tab or windowMixed Reality Wargaming. The image below shows my co-author Andy existing virtually in my games room trying out a wargame with me.


The focus of my PhD is the wargaming of urban conflict. As part of this I have been looking at the unique characteristics of urban conflict and how they are currently represented in wargames, identifying the potential gaps and deficiencies in current representation, and then developing new games to hopefully address, or at least shed light, on those gaps and deficiencies. I am doing my PhD "in public", so I'm posting material as I develop it on my External link opens in new tab or windowwiki, and I also post regularly on Twitter/X as External link opens in new tab or window@urbanwargamer. See the External link opens in new tab or windowwiki for all of my presentations, papers and publications, but here are a few of the key ones:

The wargames that I'm currently working on as part of the PhD - and for which playtesters are always welcome - include:

  • External link opens in new tab or windowThe Urban Calculus, a highly abstracted, pol-mil playable systems model of urban conflict and its impact on society and global opinion
  • The Operational Level Urbanised Campaign system (OPUC), a Corps/Div level game with scenarios in the Baltics and Ukraine
  • External link opens in new tab or windowCity & CEMA, a Bde to Bn level game focussed on the fight for individual towns and cities, area based with hidden information, with scenarios in the UK, Baltics and Ukraine
  • Brick by Bloody Brick, low-level Pl/coy level modern urban rules, again with hidden information, drones and other facets of modern urban combat
  • One Page Urban, a simple set of solo rules for refighting classic WW2 (and slightly later) urban battles such as Ortona, Aachen, Manilla etc
  • External link opens in new tab or windowRubble Town, a solo, card-based, "beer-and-pretzels" game to introduce some of the key elements of urban combat

The aim is to publish each of these as print'n'play under a Creative Commons licence.


I operate as an independent consultant and practioner within the professional wargaming space, and can undertake a variety of assignments and projects (not just restricted to urban wargaming!) including:

  • Wargame design and development;
  • Wargame training, delivery and evaluation;
  • Wargame research;
  • Contributing ideation and design, and supporting development, on projects at the intersection of AI (esp. conversational AI), XR/virtual worlds/metaverse/AR/MR and wargaming;
  • Through the POBL system, delivering synthetic information wrap alongside LVC training and wargames;
  • Supporting existing teams with an extra pair of hands for wargame design, delivery or evaluation;
  • Acting as the customer-friend on wargame related projects.

Always happy to have an informal chat about potential ideas and opportunities, just drop me a line at david.burden@daden.co.uk.